Summon the Goddesses.

The Goddesses have many faces, and the feminine psyche has many facets. Our power comes from our ability to embrace ALL of her.

We summon our feminine magic by embarking on an infinite journey of unraveling, illuminating, and self-awakening. It’s the summoning of the Goddesses that invokes their power and divine nature as our own.


Women collectively represent all of the Goddesses. They are all alive within us. We as women are shapeshifting fluid creatures dancing between the different embodiments and the different energies of their many faces. The Goddesses are us and we are them. Just like the Marigold Women. 

There are the Goddesses of the ocean, the sea, and all bodies of water. There are the Goddesses of fire and transformation, and the earth, the plants, and the animals. There are the Goddesses of fertility, sexuality, the womb, pleasure, and passion. There are the Goddesses of medicine, magic, and sacred space. And there are the Goddesses of the underworld, the afterlife, death, and birth.

The feminine psyche has many facets, and these facets are the faces of all the Goddesses. 


The goddesses are archetypes we can invoke in ourselves, and they are divine entities that roam the cosmos and the earth. They are us, and they are also outside of us, waiting for us to summon them so they can teach us, show us, and become one with us channeling their essence through our beings - through our bodies and our souls.

Every culture and every part of the world throughout time has worshipped the Goddess. Each part of the world typically has there own cultural attributes and history that shapes their Goddesses, but they all represent the same medicine whether that be seasons, the elements, the maiden, mother, and crone, fertility, or protection. 


The Goddesses are the many faces of the divine feminine embodied that we have called upon and worshipped for all of time. 

We have always called upon them to protect us, to help us, and to heal us, and we’ve called upon them to teach us of their strength and power.


To merge with or to channel a Goddess is to open ourselves for the divine to come into our being. It’s to open ourselves, and our spirit to receive them. They may speak through us or to us, they may heal through us or heal us. They may move energy, they may dance through our bodies invoking sacred movement, or they may use us as conduits to channel downloads or divine wisdom.

Whether you or I believe this to be literal or not, there are ritualistic practices that invoke a trance-like state that helps us access information, wisdom, and profound understandings that we can’t normally access in our everyday state of mind.  

Whether what feels like a trance state is the divine moving through us, or it’s us accessing deep wisdom or a knowing of primal nature in the depths of our subconscious, doesn’t matter. It’s still divine in nature. This energy, and this state of being, represents the goddesses regardless of the technical definition.

I believe both of these cases to be true. I think it’s weaving. I think it’s one, I think that it’s the other, and I think it’s both. I believe our intuition to be the same. Sometimes divine wisdom comes through us from the outside and far beyond, and sometimes we simply awaken to the divine wisdom that we’ve always known.

This is the beauty of Archetypes and the divine. They can be both. We can call upon them or pray to them as God, Goddess, Great Mystery, or Spirit, or we can summon them within us when they are us. They are the original pieces of our soul untouched by life, pain, loss, and instilled beliefs and perspectives we’ve gathered from our experiences or what others have told us. We are all divine in nature.

The Goddesses appear in many faces, shapes, and forms around the world because, in different spaces and times, we needed them to appear for what was present. 

We need the divine to come through for what we need at that moment. All the Goddesses through the world represent the same genres long before the whole world was communicating with one another. But the way they have shown up, are all somewhat unique to each region.

The Goddesses often appear with the same ethnic traits, wearing traditional clothing or sacred items. Depending on the landscape, the weather, and the geography, the beauty of the earth is embodied through them in various ways. Depending on what has happened historically and what healing was needed for that region the Goddesses embodied that.


I believe the divine comes through in the forms we need and will shapeshift making itself available for us to receive. Just like when I work with the flowers, they speak to me regarding what’s present in my life, they speak to my pain points, and they speak in relativity to that particular moment and space in time.

Each time I sit with a flower, I get a somewhat different message each time over the years, but they each hold an umbrella of medicine that they carry, and the message evolves as my relationship evolves with them. 

Whether communing with the flowers in a ritualistic way invokes the depths of my subconscious to speak, whether this is a psychological process that makes my own knowing more available to me or the spirit of the flower and the spirit of the earth are actually speaking to me, doesn’t matter. 

Our magic as women is that we are deeply woven with spirit, intuition, and divine wisdom. We are extremely intuitive, and our sixth sense is profound. 

The divine is undefinable. It’s something no-one will ever truly know how it works, how it moves, what happens before and after we die, or what the unseen world really is. If we spend all our time trying to define it, or justify it as an attempt to wrap our linear brains around it, we miss the magic. 


The summoning of the Goddesses is shedding our need to understand, shedding our need to know, and it's opening ourselves as conduits to receive.

Women have always had a special place as being conduits to receive this type of wisdom. May we open ourselves to this in a deeper way, nurturing our ability to receive the Goddesses allowing them to reveal themselves as they will. They may appear as traditional Goddesses that we have heard of and are familiar with, or they may come in completely untapped forms from our pre-existing knowledge.

This is how the Marigold Women came to me.

I see them and feel their presence and they aren’t limited to space and time or any particular culture. They are the Goddesses that are divinity beyond human form, and they are all the women who have summoned the goddesses within themselves throughout their life whether they are still living, or have passed. They’re a collective of the many faces of the goddess embodied in human form and the formless form. They are all calling us. It’s up to us to answer the call.


Summoning the goddesses is an access point to reclaiming divine wisdom, to reclaiming our magic as women, our power as women, and our liberation as women. It’s summoning them with no expectations, with no judgments, it’s simply opening our heart to receive them however they appear. 

They are always with you, and they’re waiting for you to summon them.

With love,


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    I invite you to create sacred space whatever that means for you. Light some candles, burn incense, use a special oil, or simply take some time to sit with your breath. Then play this recording (it’s about 12 minutes) and allow a few minutes after to sit in silence or journal and integrate what comes through.


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