How your passion for life is dependent upon your feminine fire.

We live in a world that has taught us that it is greedy and selfish to have a strong drive to pursue lavish desires. We've been taught that a passion for life is a luxury. We've been taught that it's shameful to acknowledge or embrace our radiance. We’ve been taught that sacrifice and struggle are required to receive and that it is the struggle that grants us worth and permission.

Wanting has been deemed lustful and greedy. Wanting grandiose abundance, pleasure, and dreams have been shamed. We have been taught to feel guilty because there are so many with less than us.

A passion for life is not a privilege, it's our birthright and we need our feminine fire to defend it.


Until our cup is full we have nothing to give, and we don’t realize how much we could give if we chose ourselves first. When we offer our existence in service to others, or outside causes, before we cherish ourselves, we have sacrificed our spirits light that aches to radiate upon the world. We don’t realize if we were to prioritize our cup, the byproduct would be for us to flood the world with our medicine beyond the imaginable.


Women have been taught to think being the martyr is honorable. What if we’ve all been tricked into giving ourselves away because our empowerment is feared?


Once we realize the power of our light, and once we experience the passion for life this light feeds, we can’t be controlled because we wouldn’t dare dim it.  The feminine fire of the fierce Goddess within will protect it all cost.

We are controlled through our insecurities. Our insecurities have been parasitically imposed upon us, and they make us oppress ourselves. When we experience oppression and abuse, and when we get tricked with guilt, shame, and fear it propels us to comply in contraction. It’s up to us to find the courage and choose to expand.


Our spirits can’t be touched or taken. When we think someone has taken our power it’s an illusion. For someone to wield their power over us, we have to comply for them to have control.

I say this with no discredit to abuse, domestic violence, or systemic oppression. This is not a black and white statement. I’m speaking from a spiritual nature. If we are divine beings of light, our bodies can be abused, or even murdered, and physical reality can be held hostage. But no one has access to our spirit without our permission. This is a controversial statement, with many facets, polarities, and truths and I ask you to run with this idea for the simple practice of inquiry.


Someone can try to make you feel small, but you have to believe it to then embody that smallness. Someone can try and make you think you aren’t worthy, but only when you believe you aren’t worthy will you not open yourself to receive.

If you were to unleash your desires and not hold back, what do you long for? What abundance do you crave? If you were to truly let go of your inhibitions around your wisdom, what do you really believe?


If you were to let go of all your inhibitions and were to freely express yourself, not caring what anybody else thought, what quality of essence would flow out of you? What magnificence is longing to be revealed?

How would you grow if you allowed yourself to take up as much space as you could?

Our passion for life comes from our spirits being freed to live as they long.

We are each a thread in the web of the collective and when we honor the thread that is ours, magic is made. The medicine that we have to offer the world is shared, and the medicine the world has to offer to us can be received.

When you aren’t abusing your power you have nothing to feel shameful about. Your power is the bridge to offer your gifts, love, and light. There is no shame in playing big, being big, taking up space, and shining brightly - but the contraction of shame lives in our bones. 

The way we have seen power abused is deeply instilled into our DNA through the collective ancestral lines. So many of us are frozen in defensiveness against the abuse of power and consumed by the detriment of it, that we’ve lost the realization that power isn’t evil and can be embodied with great purity.

Our feminine fire not only invokes a passion for life, but it’s the fierce protection of that passion that makes us unstoppable in our feminine power to change the world. 

Our feminine fire is the creative cauldron that feeds our dreams and the divines, and it gives us the stamina to birth them. It gives us the ability to root and weave the ethereal nature of the feminine into physicality.



The feminine is in communion with the divine constantly, channeling and downloading creative energy, healing energy, and unconditional compassion and love. Without our feminine fire that feeds this energy and protects us, we don’t have the stamina or endurance to channel this kind of medicine without exhausting ourselves.



The stamina of our feminine fire gives us the energy to birth, AND to burn and alchemize what needs to transmute and transcend without depleting ourselves. Our feminine fire is the fertility of our cosmic holy womb. It’s the life force of our feminine spirit. 



Your feminine fire is what brings your dreams and visions to life. It’s what awakens you to the beauty and abundance all around you waiting for you to RECEIVE it. It unlocks us to the wealth of life available. Your feminine fire burns the limitations that have leached at your confidence and life force stopping you from blazing in your essence brightly.



Our power is embracing the truth of our unique essence and letting its life force guide us. Our feminine fire's role is to feed this life force and burn the walls we have built to hide, and chameleon ourselves whether consciously or subconsciously out of fear.

How much power do you give away by a longing to be understood? By longing to be liked? How much power do you give away through not holding your boundaries? How much power do you give away through empathy, guilt, and feelings of obligation?

How much of your power do you give away through feelings of insecurities, and self-doubt? In your intimate relationships, in your work life, in your social circle, and your acceptance of self?

There is an illusion that claiming our power means gaining the ability to wield our life however we please. It does and it doesn’t. We can wield our perspective and how we meet it, but claiming our power is ultimately an act of great surrender and divine trust. You can’t wield your essence. Denying our essence doesn’t change it, it only causes suffering because your soul is not made to be bridled. 

Embracing our light means letting go. Claiming our power is vowing our faith and loyalty to honor our essence and to follow our soul strings. It’s a vow to our self to never deny our true state of being.

Claiming our power is trusting that we are worthy, that we are on purpose, and that we are right where we are supposed to be. It’s trusting that we are a gift. That we are great medicine, and that we are radiant. This is liberation, its liberation of our innocence to simply be, claiming our pure divine design.

Our power is the inner freedom of letting our inhibitions go and letting our shame of self go. It’s releasing our inhibitions around love, self-expression, our desires, and our wisdom. It’s shedding shame and claiming ourselves as our greatest teacher and guide. It’s choosing a love affair with ourselves over earning the love of another.

There is a time in all of our lives where we realize our parents don’t know everything and in some ways, they fall off the pedestal we had unconsciously granted them. For some, this happens very young in life, and some later, but at some point, we all have this realization. 

At some point, we must also realize that nobody really knows anything, and life is about choice.

There are no guarantees and everything has a polarity. There are an infinite amount of explanations to any given situation that can all be true and contradicting. There are no right and wrong turns in the crosswords we inevitably meet, just choices. Ultimately the goal is to master navigating the infinite choices in a way that creates the least amount of suffering for ourselves. It’s learning to chose and not look back. 

Passion is untamed, and when we grasp and contract for control it withers.

Being frozen unable to move forward is the wounding of trusting the divine and ourselves. When we don’t faith in our divine design and the divine design of the universe, we are left missing the beauty of life. It leads us to miss the adventure. So many of us are trying to control everything out of our control because we are ultimately afraid. 

Your immediate response may be that “I’m not afraid”, but do you truly trust life?

This is where the sacred practice of inquiry begins. This is where we must track and inquire every contraction that arises within us and look it in the eyes. It’s teaching our bodies, our spirits, and our minds that it is safe to be who we are. That is safe to follow our soul strings. That we have the authority to choose, and the resiliency to meet the consequences that are inevitable with the ripple of cause and effect.

When we realize how much fear and shame have been instilled into us, and when we begin to see the lunacy of it, our grasping will loosen and our power will begin to rise. This is the journey of the awakening woman. She is awakening to the patterns and the programming that have slithered their way into her being to keep her small. 

She then faces the masculine and feminine within, untangling their distrust and the pain that has danced between them, reuniting them as her holy allies to wield the life that is calling her. To bridge the ethereal with the physical.

Lastly, the great lighting of the blaze of passion that is her feminine fire engulfs her. 

It engulfs all of her shame and guilt to be and live as she pleases. It fuels a wild passion and erotic libido for life. She is freed to reclaim the power that enables her to step into herself fully. To step into her life fully. And to radiate the medicine that she simply is. 

Her feminine fire is her fuel for this journey that makes her an unstoppable Goddess on a divine mission to live.

The Goddess is waiting for you to claim her. She's waiting for you to realize your divinity, and to realize that she is you. She is waiting for you to see your magic, to see your power, and to see that it’s been waiting for you to realize it’s been there all along.

Beautiful sister, call upon the Goddess (and the flowers) to invoke the courage to set yourself free.

With love,


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    Walking with the Marigold Women.


    The feminine symbolism of the womb.