Feminine energy is twofold: How to become whole.

The woman whose feminine energy is free can vibrantly embody her passionate and innocent heart. She can vibrantly embody the juiciness of her sensuality and sexuality, and the wildness of her primordial nature. She thrives on the extravagance of her dreams, and the grandness of her adventurous and curious spirit that feeds her drive to soak up life for all that it has to offer.

The woman whose feminine energy is free — also dares to trust fall into the darkest depths of her heart, her story, her wounds, her fear, her anguish, and her subconscious with great loyalty, and commitment to continually clear the way, honoring the growing pains that allow her access to her joy at its highest vibration. 

Feminine energy is twofold — it is both dark and light, birth and death, fierce and innocent, and joy and growing pains. 

Feminine energy is grandiosely expressive weaving with all forms of love, and also introvertedly cloaked accessing great wisdom that only lives between the worlds. Feminine energy channels big magic, and that magic cannot be accessed without embracing the twofold.

Feminine energy is bound to a forever turning wheel of creation, birth, and death. Resistance does not stop the turn of the wheel, but resistance limits our access to the medicine and the transcendence that’s available. It’s the embrace of the wild ride between the polarities, cherishing each side of the wheel for its invaluable potency that opens the portal to our magic as women.

The feminine has access to the deep dark waters of the subconscious, and the space that untangles us from the tentacles of physicality, and the busyness in this world. The feminine has access to the space which is quiet enough for us to feel all the energy moving around us, and through us, tuning us into our intuition, spirit, and spirits call. 

This space of quiet darkness within us is where we can traverse our subconscious, our wounds, traumas, limiting beliefs, and the illusions our life stories and experiences have projected onto our lives. This space is where we can see clearly enough to transmute what’s ready to go.

It’s in this dark space that we grieve, face heartache, and find holy rage, and it’s in this space that we learn to cherish the sweet medicine of midwifing the pains of our souls as they purge.

In the quiet of this darkness, we master our ability to decipher what's ancestral, what is from our past, and what's from our present life at this very moment. It’s where we master the ability to decipher between what is ours, what’s being projected onto us, and what we are projecting. It’s in this space that we sink into the healer and the wise woman that is us, to make change, to grow, to alchemize, and to navigate the complexities life brings as we raise our vibration to our highest state of being. 

This side of the wheel, or this side of feminine energy is mysterious. The heart is raw and vulnerable, illuminating all that is hiding in the crevasses. This part of the feminine can be messy, and it can feel chaotic. It’s a place where we live through the felt sense that does not know logic and we are instead guided by something deep within as we follow the threads of wisdom we sense in front of us blindly. Our souls know wisdom beyond what we can grasp and they require us to follow these threads that are presented to us without question. This is the space where we develop divine trust.

Divine trust is developed once we learn to surrender to the dark underbelly of the feminine. Divine trust is developed once we realize that when surrendering to the dark night of the soul, the deeper we dive, the higher we can rise at dawn. This process takes divine trust because there are no guarantees. We don’t know what’s on the other side, and we don’t know where we are being taken — but we can’t stop it either and we learn over time that it’s easier to let it carry us. Once we do make it through muck, it gets easier each time to let go because we learn that the light will always come. Just like dawn. Once we experience the first golden rays after a long dark night, we can soak them up into the bellies of our soul more richly, with more gratitude, with more awareness, more meaning, and fulfillment than we ever could before. It strips away the things that don’t matter, and wakes us up to what does — and this is what grants us access to the other side of our feminine energy.

One face of the feminine is the dark underbelly of the Goddess — but the other side is frivolous, wild, and ecstatic in a marvelously divine and innocent way.

The other side of the feminine is juicy, primordial, and shameless in the embrace of one’s desires, one’s longings, one’s sexuality, sensuality, and love. This frequency of feminine energy is grandiose. It’s a place of full expression, unrestrained. There is no care for what others will think. Their are no inhibition. The embodiment of this type of energy knows joy and vibrancy, play and silliness, and humor and laughter as our greatest medicine. It’s this energy that feeds our life force to do great work, to move big medicine, and to answer the call of our souls. It’s this energy that keeps us clear, our life force thriving, and our vitality abundantly vibrant.

The shameless woman who has grasped this side of the feminine fearlessly embraces her adventurous, curious, and passionate nature. She knows not how to withhold her heart. She knows how to soak up opportunity, synchronicity, and chance. She has perseverance and humble confidence in her feminine fire. She knows how to soak up life, how to soak up love, and how to weave magic with what she has been given gratefully. She honors her body as the house of her spirit, relishing in all forms of pleasure, with an innate ability to root and ground deeply into the Earth as she does. 

She’s sweet like honey, and takes full advantage of her one precious life, pursuing the threads of all of her dreams. She dreams big, and surrenders to those dreams as they shapeshift, and her imagination is infinite with a genuine belief of limitless potential and possibility. She has full faith in her wildest dream, in her wild heart, and her wild life force. She has gratitude and presence. She has unconditional love and compassion, and an undeniable radiance that brightens everyone around her. 

She knows that dimming this light means suffocating her soul. She also knows the darkness that pulls her into the underbelly to see beneath the veils is so that she can release, shed, and let go of everything that would withhold her from this kind of joy she lives for.

The beauty and magic of feminine energy is a constant dance of transmutation between dark and light, that leads to transcendence over and over again.

The beauty and magic of feminine energy is a lifelong dance of embracing this twofold nature. Each face is multifaceted and vast. It is a polarity of external embrace drinking in the pleasure and beauty of the tangible world and then shifting deep within to the canyons of our psyche and the wisdom that is bone-deep beyond our own.

It’s traversing the dark cauldron within that gives us access to the opalescent light of life. It's the wheel of creation birth and death. It’s the wheel between light and dark. It’s the wheel between joy and growing pains that is the power of feminine energy. Embracing the entirety of the wheel is what free’s us. 

We cannot truly free our feminine souls by only embracing one aspect of our contradictory nature. Most of us are innately more comfortable in one side of this wheel than the other, and the limitation of being in one side regardless of which side, stunts our growth, and stunts our joy. 

We can be deep in our wisdom, deep in our intuition, and deep in the subliminal space of spirit but we can miss the joy of living life in the present, in this beautiful world, on this beautiful earth, and in this beautiful body if we aren’t careful. We can take life too seriously, consumed with intentionality and cut ourselves off from joy and play. We can dedicate our whole existence to self-growth, self-reflection, and healing forgetting there is no point to heal if we aren’t taking the time to fill the cleared space with an energy that brings us more joy.

On the other side, if we get too attached to the frivolous vibrancy of the feminine, we lose authenticity and depth in our hearts, love, passion, sexuality, sensuality, and creativity because we aren’t dedicating any time to clearing the accumulation of life lessons — hurt, wounds, or limiting beliefs and patterns that inevitably, and consistently build up through our experiences. Life is full of growing pains, and medicine, and we can dance with them and evolve, cultivating resiliency, or we can ignore them and accumulate density that becomes painful, numbing, and keeps us stagnant and blind. 

We can become superficial the more we ignore the depths of our soul and lock the doors of pain that are calling for our attention. We can become superficial in the sense that others can’t reach us in a relationship, and we can’t truly reach ourselves when we’ve turned our cheek on our core. 

Our feminine freedom comes from surrendering to the wheel as it turns between creation, birth, and death, and as it turns between conception, blossoming, and dying, and as it turns between our world within and our world around. Feminine freedom is letting go of control, and it’s invoking trust in the dance of our spirit, with great spirit.

The wheel never stops spinning. 

This wheel is the container that grants us access to feminine freedom. This wheel is the wheel that the Marigold Women know so well, embrace, and live by, and they remind us that embracing this dance doesn’t mean we will never contract, or that we will never resist or feel fear again. It’s about cultivating our courage to breath through it as we face what presents itself moment, by moment.

Feminine freedom is a path of courage, and it’s embracing the reality that very little is in our control, and that resistance rarely eradicates what we are resisting. It’s the realization that nothing outside of our perception, our actions, and our choices are in our control, and that the only choice we do have is how to dance with the wild around us.

Clinging to the pictures we paint of the future, and clinging to stories we’ve told ourselves of the past, and the stories we have mapped out for the future only stop us from realizing the magic right in front of us. It only stops us from harvesting the potential of the moment, the potential at our fingertips, and it blinds us from what actually is. 

Our human nature is to cling, and contract, and to look backward and forwards, and everywhere but right here. But our life's work is to simply let go, and to be right here, right now. It’s to untangle the tendrils of worry, anxiety, suffering, longing, and fear. It’s our life’s work wake up to and see the magic, the beauty, and the joy all around us.

With love,


5 Days Awakening
your Feminine Energy

Daily written content, journal prompts, and a guided-meditation invoking the Goddess

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    The feminine symbolism of the womb.


    Falling in love with the heart of the Earth Mother.